SEA Hach family of brands

Our Family of Brands

Since 1933, Hach® has grown due in part to the addition of some of the leaders in water quality to our family. These brands have helped Hach provide best-in-class products, leverage industry leading experts, and provide local support to customers around the world.

Water Quality Segment

Through a series of strategic acquisitions, Veralto Corporation has formed a diverse portfolio of water quality companies that—as a united platform—can significantly impact the way its customers approach water.

Collectively, we deliver precision instrumentation and advanced purification technology to help analyze, treat and manage the world’s water, from municipal and wastewater treatment facilities to lakes, streams and oceans.

 Trojan Technologies logo

Leading development of ultraviolet (UV) light, filtration and chemical water treatment solution for water, wastewater, soil and air.

OTT Hydomet logo

Environmental water quality monitoring solutions

Sea-bird Scientific logo

Sensors and systems for oceanographic research and environmental water quality monitoring.

ChemTreat logo

Comprehensive water treatment solutions for industrial systems.

McCrometer logo

Flow meters, data, and analysis for responsible and efficient water management.

Aquatic Informatics logo

Aquatic Informatics empowers the water industry across all applications, to make data driven, smart decisions, and do more with less.