410 ORBISPHERE controller with K1100 high range Luminescent Oxygen Sensor (Kit) - Panel

410 ORBISPHERE controller with K1100 high range Luminescent Oxygen Sensor (Kit) - Panel

Product Number: K110H-KTO-P-IMP




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The first maintenance-free optical oxygen sensor for power plants.

The Orbisphere K1100 optical sensor together with the ORBISPHERE 410 controller offers a new way of monitoring oxygen in power plants. ORBISPHERE sensors set the industry standards for oxygen measurement by offering peace of mind to every water chemist.


  • Ultrapure Water


Only 1 calibration per year

One zero point calibration per year is all that is needed with the K1100 sensor, unlike traditional electrochemical (EC) sensors, which display significant drift after only a few months and demand regular re-calibration and substantial operator time.

No membranes = 2 minutes of annual maintenance

With no membranes to replace and no electrolyte solution to replenish, the K100 requires only two minutes of maintenance per year. Corrosive or hazardous chemicals are not required, making the annual task faster, easier and safer without reducing measurement precision.

Compatible with ORBISPHERE 28 mm flow chamber for a low cost retrofit

The complete system consists of a 410 Controller, a flow chamber, and the K1100 Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen Sensor. The sensor is compatible with Hach Orbisphere 28 mm flow chambers, eliminating the need for engineering changes. Installation is fast and easy and does not require special preparation.

A New Level of Confidence

The K1100 optical sensor is the first to use luminescent measurement technology to measure low level oxygen in power plants. Since 1978, when the first patent on EC sensors was granted, Hach Orbisphere sensors have set the industry standard for oxygen measurement at ppb level.



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