Product Number: 2551461
Hach Grade AE filters are comparable to Pall Type A/E filters and the 47mm diameter is compatible with the magnetic filter holder #1352900. Filters feature fast flow rates, fine porosity and particle retention of 1.0µm which make them ideal for many dissolved and
suspended solids testing procedures including Standard
Methods 2540 C, 2540 D and 2540 E. This binder-free,
borosilicate glass microfiber filter has a DOP efficiency of 99.98% (0.3µm) and a maximum operating temperature of 550°C in air.
*when applicable
Phase Out
Items with this label are at the end of their life cycle and may become obsolete in the future.
Items with this label are obsolete and unavailable through eCommerce.
If applicable, please view Replacement Product above or contact Hach Customer Service for further assistance.