Nitrogen-Ammonia Reagent Set, TNT, AmVer (Salicylate),Low Range

Nitrogen-Ammonia Reagent Set, TNT, AmVer (Salicylate),Low Range

Product Number: 2604545

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  • Corrosive
  • Caution
  • Longer term health hazards

For determination of Low Range Ammonia Nitrogen by the AmVer™ Salicylate Test 'N Tube™ Method.
Hach Method 10023. Range: 0.02 - 2.50 mg/L NH3-N.
Reagent set contains: AmVer Diluent Reagent Low Range Test 'N Tubes, Ammonia Salicylate. Reagent Powder Pillows and Ammonia Cyanurate Reagent Powder Pillows. 25-50 tests (dependent upon the number of reagent blank tests performed)


  • Industrial Wastewater
  • Influent for Wastewater
  • Nutrient Monitoring
  • Primary Treatment
  • QA/QC Lab
  • Secondary Treatment
  • Source Water
  • Tertiary Treatment


Test 'N Tube products provide safe, convenient testing

Capped 16-mm vials provide a self-contained package for mixing and measurement.

Easy ordering

All necessary reagents and vials are contained in the package.


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Product Life Cycle

*when applicable

Phase Out

Items with this label are at the end of their life cycle and may become obsolete in the future.


Items with this label are obsolete and unavailable through eCommerce.
If applicable, please view Replacement Product above or contact Hach Customer Service for further assistance.