SL250 Single-Port Portable Parallel Analyzer (PPA)

SL250 Single-Port Portable Parallel Analyzer (PPA)

Product Number: 9430250

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One portable instrument – all the key parameters you need

Hach's SL250 Portable Parallel Analyzer (PPA) is an innovative multiparameter water quality meter that allows you to simultaneously perform colorimetric and probe-based measurements. The instrument and corresponding Chemkey reagents are easy to use regardless of technical expertise. Compared to traditional powder or liquid reagent methods, Chemkeys use a simplified testing method that requires no sample preparation, making the process significantly easier, faster, and safer while drastically reducing variability in results.

Colorimetric tests include free chlorine, total chlorine, fluoride, high range manganese, zinc, copper, nitrite, dissolved iron, high and low range alkalinity, high and low range orthophosphate, high and low range hardness, peracetic acid, and more.

Probe-based tests include pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and more.

*Not suitable for chloramination applications*


  • Boiler Water
  • Cooling Water
  • Groundwater
  • Membrane Protection
  • Municipal Water
  • Potable Water
  • QA/QC Lab
  • Source Water
  • Surface Water


Accuracy and repeatability at your fingertips

Automatic parameter selection and measurement processes make results consistent and repeatable while using the same trusted chemistries as current Hach methods. Avoid manual steps that can introduce variability between users.

Perform your tests faster

With sample prep eliminated, get the results you need faster. You have the ability to perform up to three simultaneous tests.

No need to handle chemicals

A single instrument combines colorimetric and probe-based testing in a field kit that requires fewer accessories. All chemicals and processes are entirely contained inside the Chemkey. There are no powder pillows or glass vials to handle.



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*when applicable

Phase Out

Items with this label are at the end of their life cycle and may become obsolete in the future.


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