Surface Water Test Kit

Surface Water Test Kit

Product Number: 2559833

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Hazardous Materials

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  • Corrosive
  • Acute toxicity
  • Caution
  • Longer term health hazards
  • Hazardous to the aquatic environment

By providing economical, easy-to-use tests for ammonia (0-2.4 mg/L), chlorine (0-3.4 mg/L), pH (0-14), nitrate (0-40 mg/L), dissolved oxygen (0.2-20 mg/L), phosphorus (0-40 mg/L), and temperature, this kit is an ideal tool for source water monitoring and wastewater treatment plants. The rugged, lightweight kit includes the convenient pH Pocket Pro Tester and all necessary reagents and apparatus for testing.


Simple, accurate methods

Utilizes drop count titration, color disc colorimetry, and pH Pocket Pal™ Tester


Label Definitions*

Product Life Cycle

*when applicable

Phase Out

Items with this label are at the end of their life cycle and may become obsolete in the future.


Items with this label are obsolete and unavailable through eCommerce.
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