Total Trihalomethanes (THM) Reagent Set

Total Trihalomethanes (THM) Reagent Set

Product Number: 2790800

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  • Corrosive
  • Acute toxicity
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For determination of Total Trihalomethanes by the THM Plus™ Method. Hach Method 10132. Range: 10-600 µg/L CHCl3. Reagent Set includes: THM Plus™ Reagent 1, 2, 3 Solutions and THM Plus 4 Powder Pillows for 50-99 tests. Use as a screening tool to optimize treatment processes, to locate areas of high THM levels in distribution systems and to determine levels of trihalomethanes in drinking water samples.


  • Groundwater
  • Membrane Protection
  • Municipal Water


Screen drinking water for regulated disinfection byproducts (DBP).

THMplus detects trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids. The aggregate concentration is reported as ppb chloroform.

Fast results

Quickly screen multiple samples, for prompt system adjustments.

Cost effective

Less expensive than sending samples to outside labs


Detection limit of 10 ppb


Label Definitions*

Product Life Cycle

*when applicable

Phase Out

Items with this label are at the end of their life cycle and may become obsolete in the future.


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