Chemistries                 65-6265-9381

AN-ISE sc Sensors

AN-ISE sc Sensors
Hach's digital AN-ISE sc Combination Sensor for Ammonium and Nitrate carries out continuously direct measurements using an ion-selective electrode. No need for reagents or sample preparation. With automatic and simultaneous compensation of potassium and chloride. Easy handling and low maintenance due to Cartrical plus sensor cartridge with five electrodes.

AN-ISE sc Sensors can be connected to all SC controllers, providing versatile output options including 4-20 mA Output, Modbus RS485, Profibus, or Hart.

Prognosys is a predictive diagnostic system that allows you to be proactive in your maintenance, by alerting you to upcoming instrument issues. Know with confidence whether changes in your measurements are due to changes in your instrument or your water.

This instrument connects to Claros, Hach’s innovative Water Intelligence System, enabling you to seamlessly connect and manage instruments, data, and process – anywhere, anytime. The result is greater confidence in your data and improved efficiency in your operations. To unlock the full potential of Claros, insist on Claros Enabled instruments.

Required Accessories

Optional Accessories

Stainless Steel pole mount kit for AN-ISE

Stainless Steel pole mount kit for AN-ISE

Product #: LZY714.99.32320

Unit Price Contact Hach

Stainless Steel pole mount kit for AISE

Stainless Steel pole mount kit for AISE

Product #: LZY714.99.32620

Unit Price Contact Hach

Chain mounting for ANISE sc, AISE sc & NISE sc, PVC

Chain mounting for ANISE sc, AISE sc & NISE sc, PVC

Product #: LZX914.99.12400

Unit Price Contact Hach

PVC rail mount kit for ISE sensors

PVC rail mount kit for ISE sensors

Product #: 6184900

Unit Price Contact Hach