Chemistries                 65-6265-9381

Ultra Low Range CL17sc Colorimetric Chlorine Analyser

Ultra Low Range CL17sc Colorimetric Chlorine Analyser
Is your dechlorination process optimized? Do you know if your assets are protected from chlorine damage?
Chlorine breakthroughs can adversely affect your process, product, or equipment. The Ultra Low Range CL17sc can achieve a limit of detection of 8 parts per billion (ppb), making treatment decisions more meaningful and straightforward. The improved accuracy at this low range is critical to dechlorination customers who know that a 10 ppb change in chlorine concentration can mean shortening the lifespan of an RO membrane by 25%*.

Could you improve your RO membrane lifespan, performance, or maintenance schedule with more accurate residual chlorine data?
Chlorine damage to customer assets can be irreversible, so it is valuable to know how much chlorine your assets have been exposed to over time. Too much chlorine to your RO membrane can degrade performance and shorten its lifespan. Too little chlorine can result in biofouling, excess membrane cleaning, and overspending on chemicals. With the Cumulative Chlorine Counter, exclusive to the Ultra Low Range CL17sc, you can understand the true impact of chlorine exposure and more accurately forecast your RO membrane efficiency and useful life.

Would an accurate parts per billion chlorine reading give you more confidence in meeting total residual chlorine limits for your permit or product specification?
Online residual chlorine measurement options for ultra low range have been either inadequate or inefficient – until now. With the lowest limit of detection at 8 ppb, the Ultra Low Range CL17sc gives you direct total chlorine results and maintains accuracy consistently without loss of sensitivity in your new target range.

Is Hach's Ultra Low Range CL17sc right for you?
The Ultra Low Range CL17sc is best suited for clean water that is measured for either presence of chlorine at low levels or its absence. It measures total chlorine concentration from 0.008-5.0 mg/L. If your processes involve RO membranes or any form of dechlorination, such as chemical (e.g. sulfite/bisulfite) and/or adsorption (e.g. activated carbon), the Ultra Low Range CL17sc can be used to ensure presence of chlorine at very low levels, or its complete absence, depending on the needs of your process and equipment.

*Based on the difference between 50 ppb and 40 ppb continuous free chlorine exposure to a RO membrane rated to double salts passage after 1000 ppm-hours of chlorine exposure.